Slough Fort Preservation Trust
Sustainable community orchard
The creation of a sustainable community orchard within the 19th century artillery fort

Rochester based Slough Fort Preservation Trust received a £2,289 grant to plant a sustainable community orchard within the 19th century artillery fort.
The Slough Fort Preservation Trust applied to Kent Community Foundation for financial support for a project to create a community orchard in an unused corner of Slough Fort. The new orchard will provide a sustainable supply of hard fruit for local schools, care homes and local people, while bringing new volunteering opportunities and creating habitats for bees and other pollinating insects as well as new hedgerows to support wildlife.
“This is an exciting project which will provide fresh fruit for the local community, and we are very grateful for the support from Kent Community Foundation to help us make this happen.” Keith Gulvin, Slough Fort Preservation Trust.