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Useful resources & alternative funding

Other grant-makers and funders in Kent & Medway 

  • Skinners’ Charity Foundation - grants up to £2,000 are available for young people living in London and Kent from low-income backgrounds, to help them gain vocational, accredited qualifications.
  • The Gibbons Family Trust - awards grants to children and young people up to the age of 25, living in the Isle of Thanet in Kent.  
  • UnLtd is a national charity which provides specialist support for social entrepreneurs at the start of the journey to help them grow as social leaders. It provides comprehensive support with both cash and coaching to help nurture ideas and grow impact. Uniquely, for grant makers, it doesn't matter what stage of development your social venture is at - It can be an idea on paper, or a social venture in practice already. It can also be led by a single person not yet incorporated as Unltd directs its support to venture founders. For start-ups, cash support ranges from £500 up to £15,000 across three separate support packages. From time to time there are other themed and industry specific awards according to partnerships that Unltd develops. 
  • Henry Smith Charity – grants to reduce social and economic disadvantage.
  • National Lottery Awards for All England – funding from £300 to £20,000 for community-led projects. 
  • Arts Council - National Lottery Projects Grants
  • Awards For All - National Lottery Awards for All offers funding from £300 to £10,000 to support what matters to people and communities.
  • Bromley Trust - Grants of up to £20,000 are available for registered charities that are working in the areas of human rights and prison reform.
  • Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust - Investing in Communities - grants of up to £15,000 are available to build the capacity of community organisations and local charities working with vulnerable people in Kent in order to help them deliver sustainable, face-to-face service.
  • Green Hall Foundation - grants of up to £10,000 are available for registered charities to fund special projects or the purchase of equipment that will benefit their charitable purposes.
  • Idlewild Trust - grants of up to £5,000 are available to registered charities in the UK working in the following two areas: The Arts - nurturing young professionals and Conservation – objects and works of art.
  • KCC Grants information 
  • Les Mills Fund for Children - Grants of up to £1,000 are available to registered charities and accountable non-profit organisations that do their most to improve the education and physical and emotional wellbeing of children.
  • Masonic Charitable Foundation – Later Life Inclusion Grants Programme - Grants are available to local and national charities that are working to reduce loneliness and isolation in later life.
  • My Community - gives you the tools and information you need to take action and make your community a better place to live.
  • Variety Club - Youth Clubs Grant - grants for equipment is available to affiliated youth clubs in the UK that provide opportunities for improving social skills, team spirit and self- esteem for young people aged from 8 to 18 years.
  • William Wates Memorial Trust - grants of around £30,000 are available to not-for-profit organisations and registered charities that enhance the lives of the most disadvantaged young people (aged 5-19) resident in London and the South East.
  • Whitehead Monckton
  • SASC Housing Fund - enable organisations to purchase housing to accommodate the vulnerable people they support.
  • Village Hall Improvement Grant Fund - available grant funding to support improvement projects for village halls.
  • Village and Community Hall Grant Scheme - grants of up to £30,000 are available for local communities to improve an existing hall or build a new hall.
  • Triangle Trust 1949 Fund -  core funding to support specialist carer organisations providing services such as access to information, financial support and respite care to unpaid carers or organisations supporting offenders or ex-offenders with projects working to reduce re-offending.
  • European Social Fund – Community Grants Contract – South East LEP 
  • The Cole Charitable Trust - welcome applications from small and local (as opposed to regional or national) registered charities, or local branches of registered charities.
  • Carers Innovation Fund - the Department for Health and Social Care has made £5 million available to improve support for carers.
  • Gregg’s Foundation; Local Community Projects Fund – offer grants of up to £2,000 to help organisations based in local communities to deliver activities that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to. 
  • Percy Bilton Charity - will consider capital funding for the following projects and schemes: disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (persons under 25); people with disabilities (physical or learning disabilities or mental health problems); older people (aged over 60). One off payments for capital expenditure of approximately £2,000 and over (the majority of grants fall within the range of £2,000 to £5,000).
  • Ashford Borough Council Community Grants Fund - for voluntary, community or charitable groups or organisations delivering a project or service in the Ashford borough.

Useful resources for charities and voluntary groups

  • ReferKent – is an online referral system for organisations supporting Kent residents. It aims to strengthen referrals across Kent for adults and families.
  • Register for the Kent Business Portal - Kent County Council's electronic tendering site
  • Improve you cyber security within your charity - download Kent Police's Cyber Crime Unit information pack and infographic 
  • Charity Commission - guidance on safeguarding
  • Charity Commission - how to report a serious incident at your charity
  • Free Organisation Health Check by Stronger Kent Communities to voluntary organisations and community groups with a turnover of under £100k
  • Kent Volunteers - new website for volunteering opportunities created by the KM Media Group and the Lord Lieutenant of Kent to allows Kent-based charities, CICs or Community Projects to easily post Volunteering Opportunities. Sign up to start posting your volunteering opportunities.
  • Gam Care offer free advice, support and training to organisations who work with women affected by a gambling problem. Contact the South East Outreach Officer, Suzanne Gosney suzanne.gosney@gamcare.org.uk for more information. 
  • Charity Mentors Kent and Medway provide free mentoring to charities and not-for-profit community organisations by senior leaders with strategic management experience. It will typically be focused on the chief executive and is aimed at improving organisations’ strategic vision, effectiveness and efficiency. Contact the co-ordinator Nick Marden at nick.marden@charitymentorskent.org

Accessing capital funding

We have compiled a list of trusts, foundations and grant-making bodies who have the capacity to cover capital funding projects. Sub-sections are included where organisations only fund specific purchases, for example a minibus. 

Please see the following document for more information - Accessing Capital Funding online PDF. An accessible (Word) document is available to download here. 

Useful resources and alternative sources funding for individuals

View our online PDF with information and links to other websites.

MASSIVE 'thank you ' to everyone at Kent Community Foundation. Your funding support is HUGELY appreciated and has enabled us to get into the heart of local communities with REAL, affordable, healthy and tasty food that does so much more than feed people.

Community chef Mike Spackman, Sheppey Matters

KCF's enthusiasm for what we are doing and hoping to do, coupled with helpful advice, gave us the confidence to take this daunting step which has paid off.

Liz Turner, Octopus Foundation

It's great having a foundation that empowers organisations and charities in our community to make real positive differences and changes!

Tom, MMK Mind