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Personal Giving

Kent Community Foundation (KCF) welcomes personal giving so that you can make a real difference in your community.

We will work with you to maximise the impact of your local giving in the areas and causes you feel most passionate about: from helping young carers to tackling poverty or reducing re-offending. We offer a tailored service, using our local knowledge and networks to help individual philanthropists support fantastic causes across Kent and Medway, to those often operating below the radar at the grassroots, where a modest sum of money can make a huge difference.

Four ways in which you can give to the Foundation:

  1. Set up a named fund: Start a charitable fund at the Foundation which matches your wishes and interests.
  2. Donate to our Funding Priorities: Give with people who share your interests and make a bigger difference.
  3. Leave a legacy: After making provision for your loved ones, a gift in your will is a wonderful way of remembering the local community beyond your lifetime.
  4. Donate more generally to the work of the foundation 
For any questions relating to personal giving, please contact our Development Team 01303 814500development@kentcf.org.uk

The Jessel family have enjoyed the challenge of choosing organisations to support. The information provided by KCF is extremely helpful especially when there are photographs of the groups – seeing the people who may directly benefit from your grant is really inspirational as you can imagine the work going on during the year.

We are looking forward to continuing our funding meetings – there is always a robust discussion and as our children grow and experience more of the outside world they are becoming more attuned to the needs of others; a really positive outcome from our journey in philanthropy

Vicki Jessel, The Hornbeam Charitable Fund

MASSIVE 'thank you ' to everyone at Kent Community Foundation. Your funding support is HUGELY appreciated and has enabled us to get into the heart of local communities with REAL, affordable, healthy and tasty food that does so much more than feed people.

Community chef Mike Spackman, Sheppey Matters

KCF's enthusiasm for what we are doing and hoping to do, coupled with helpful advice, gave us the confidence to take this daunting step which has paid off.

Liz Turner, Octopus Foundation

It's great having a foundation that empowers organisations and charities in our community to make real positive differences and changes!

Tom, MMK Mind