Kent Community Foundation (KCF) welcomes personal giving so that you can make a real difference in your community.
We will work with you to maximise the impact of your local giving in the areas and causes you feel most passionate about: from helping young carers to tackling poverty or reducing re-offending. We offer a tailored service, using our local knowledge and networks to help individual philanthropists support fantastic causes across Kent and Medway, to those often operating below the radar at the grassroots, where a modest sum of money can make a huge difference.
Four ways in which you can give to the Foundation:
- Set up a named fund: Start a charitable fund at the Foundation which matches your wishes and interests.
- Donate to our Funding Priorities: Give with people who share your interests and make a bigger difference.
- Leave a legacy: After making provision for your loved ones, a gift in your will is a wonderful way of remembering the local community beyond your lifetime.
- Donate more generally to the work of the foundation
For any questions relating to personal giving, please contact our Development Team 01303