Kent Community Foundation launches Knock and Check to save lives this winter
Kent Community Foundation launches Knock and Check campaign to save lives this winter
Every year there are around 1,600 avoidable deaths in Kent and Medway. By getting involved in the Knock and Check campaign, together, we can and will save lives, by recognising when support might be required and getting help arranged.
Josephine McCartney, Chief Executive, Kent Community Foundation, said “As part of our annual Surviving Winter initiative, the Knock and Check campaign is asking people to call on their vulnerable neighbours and check they are OK. Perhaps you could offer to do some shopping, share magazines or books, or give them something you have baked and as we approach Christmas, why not cook enough for an extra plate and take a Christmas lunch to your neighbour."
By being neighbourly and carrying out small acts of kindness, we an all help to reduce the shocking number of avoidable deaths that occur each winter, as well as preventing those who are alone becoming more vulnerable and socially isolated. Even if we save one life our campaign will have been successful.
This year we're talking about what you can do, rather than donate, but if you can’t join us to Knock and Check on others, then please consider donating to Kent Community Foundation so that we can ensure money gets to the local good causes that will support your elderly neighbours this winter.
It is vital that elderly people are also aware of support available, particularly when it comes to areas such as the supply of essential utilities and financial assistance. You or your neighbour might not be aware that they can register as a vulnerable person with energy suppliers, be aware of grants available or how to get in touch with organisations like Citizens Advice Bureau for advice and guidance.
As part of Knock and Check, we have put together a resource hub with information on where you can find help with utilities and financial support to local service and helplines in Kent and Medway.