GAP – A Thanet Community Project
Friday Club Activities for Older People
‘Friday Club’ helps tackle social isolation for elderly people in Thanet

About the project
‘Friday Club’ runs every Friday from 10.30-2.30pm and most people attending are in their 80's with the oldest aged 95. The activities are solely run by a team of three volunteers and support from social work students. The morning activities include; craft, board games, flower arranging, quizes followed by a hot three course meal, a very social community lunch. There are further activities after lunch which include; guest speakers, memory activities, singing and discussion. The activities help to maintain cognitive functions and the hot meal promotes a healthy lifestyle and is an important social opportunity.
Results from the funding
The grant has made a real difference to the seniors who use the project. Friday Club is a lifeline to them and prevents loneliness and isolation. The recent evaluation also revealed that 100% of people had made new friends and were enjoying the group they attended. Comments from Friday Club included; 'getting out from home, meeting people' 'a lot of friendships...a good laugh' and 'to make friends and feel more confident' 'gives me reason to get up and get out'. Friday Club activities benefit the local community as they helps to maintain the health and wellbeing of some of the most vulnerable.
Beneficiary story
One lady who attends Friday Club was going blind due to cataracts. She was very frightened to go to the opticians. She was encouraged by the group to seek help. She did go to the optician and was emotionally supported by the group. She was very low and didn’t want to join in craft activities. However, with some encouragement she joined in and realised she could still do this. She had two operations for the cataracts and can now see which is amazing. She now helps to organise the games sessions.