Wards Estate Agents Celebrates 20th Year of Children’s Awards
Local Community High-Street Estate Agent, Wards, launch their 20th year of the Wards Children’s Awards
This September, Wards are once again reuniting with KM and the Kent Community Foundation to celebrate and honour some incredible children, young people, families and charities that face adversity across Kent with an afternoon of recognition and fun.
In 2023, Wards Estate Agents, founded by Paul Rooney, are celebrating their 20th anniversary of the awards. First beginning in 2003, the awards share stories of brave children who overcome so much, families who defy expectations and charities who support so many in the community.
With six awards open for nominations, Wards, KM and Kent Community Foundation are currently looking for young people, families and charities that have achieved extraordinary things in the face of adversity.
The six award categories are:
Triumph Over Adversity
An award that celebrates children working hard to overcome severe disabilities and illnesses. This category is awarded to three age groups:
[ ] 0 - 5 [ ] 6 - 11 [ ] 12 - 16
Young Fundraiser
This award recognises the child or group of children who have done outstanding work to raise money for charity.
Remarkable Achievement
In the face of adversity, this award celebrates kids who’ve accomplished incredible things in sports, music, visual or performing arts.
Exceptional Young Carer
This award commends the young carers who are looking after other family members.
Outstanding Charity
Rewarding charitable and voluntary groups, supporting children who face challenges in life.
Courageous Family
This award celebrates the amazing families coping with severe illness or disabilities.
Anyone can nominate a young person, family or charity online at Nominations are now open until Friday 12th May.