KCF uplifts charities in cost of living crisis
Kent Community Foundation has initiated additional financial support with the introduction of a Cost-Of-Living Uplift Fund.
With major concerns about organisations across Kent being able to continue providing their vital services during the cost-of-living crisis, Kent Community Foundation has taken the decision to initiate an automatic monetary uplift on funding, to give charities and community groups much needed additional funding to cover their costs during these uncertain times.
Josephine McCartney, Chief Executive, Kent Community Foundation said, “As a team we discussed the huge impact the cost-of-living crisis would have on the charitable sector and we recognised that we needed to act decisively by providing additional funding to cover rising costs. We secured an initial £290,000 at the beginning of November, from which we will be able to automatically add an additional £1,000 to most grant allocations to help with rapidly escalating costs.”
To ensure that the vital extra money reaches organisations quickly the addition of £1,000 will apply automatically to most applications without any need to make a request for the further funding. However, there are a couple of exceptions; organisations with an income over £500,000 and those with over nine months reserves will not automatically receive the uplift and community groups receiving a grant through the Micro Grants Fund will be allocated a proportionate uplift, of between £300 and £500.
Natalie Smith, Director of Grants and Impact, Kent Community Foundation said, “The additional £1,000 from the Cost-of-Living Uplift Fund can be spent by organisations as they see fit, to ameliorate the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on their operations. This may include increased heating costs, increased volunteers’ travel expenses or increased service delivery costs.”
Monkton Nature Reserve recently received the additional £1,000 from the Cost-of-Living Uplift Fund and Dr Clive Nuttman, Adviser to the Trustees, Thanet Countryside Trust said, “Many thanks for this wonderful news. Volunteer travel expenses would be the perfect use for this windfall; we initiated a claim scheme earlier this year to help with fuel rises - some of our volunteers come in from Dover and support is most welcome. To add to the problems of transport, Stagecoach recently ceased the only bus route that stopped at the reserve and we actually lost two stalwart volunteers. Please pass on the thanks of all at Monkton Nature Reserve for this generous additional help at a challenging time.”
This is not a fund you can apply for, the uplift will be added onto your successful grant application.
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