David's story
David is autistic, has a profound learning disability, ADHD, epilepsy, is non-verbal and can display behaviours that challenge.
The Wards Estate Agents Charity Fund awarded David a grant to fund a tough furniture bed and mattress.
In David’s Dad’s words, “David is tall, dark and handsome and at over 6 feet tall, he had outgrown his previous ‘Tough Furniture’ single bed that he used at his children's home. We asked for KCF's help in replacing this when he moved to a supported living house. Although a high quality, robust double bed was what he needed, the price tag was prohibitive. KCF and one of your kind benefactors (Wards Estate Agents Charity Fund) rode to the rescue and the magnificent bed has arrived.”

Oscar's story
Oscar is 10 and a young carer to his younger brother Logan who is autistic. Logan struggles with his emotions and has sensory needs and Oscar is a constant support for his brother. They share a bedroom and Logan’s erratic sleeping patterns disturb Oscar’s sleep. When Logan is distressed, Oscar is his emotional support and will physically hold/hug him until he calms. Oscar gives a lot of his time talking to and playing with Logan, often modelling behaviour.
The Ivy and Jane Charitable Fund awarded Oscar a grant to go towards the cost of pony club fees. An activity which gives him time away from helping care for Logan, where he can have some fun.

Shona's story
Shona is a full time carer for her partner who has a functional neurological disorder which causes seizures, sensory issues and mobility issues. Shona has found her caring role effects her mental health.
The Grassroots Carers Respite Fund awarded Shona a grant for an annual membership at a local leisure centre, allowing her to have respite from her caring role and benefit her overall wellbeing.
Shona said, "Thanks to the grant I was able to buy a gym membership. This allowed me to spend time swimming, running and using the cycle equipment, something I would never have dreamed of having access to. In my year at the gym I learned to swim, and I can now swim 1,000 metres non-stop. Thanks to this grant I was able to spend a little time each day focusing on a goal I wanted to achieve - a Triathlon - and I smiled all the way through. I am very grateful for the support this grant gave me and I found exercise to be a great distraction and allowed me to spend time doing something I am passionate about. It improved my mental and physical health. Thank you!"