Common exclusions
For the purposes of our grant making, Kent Community Foundation is unable to consider any applications from the following organisations:
- Income over £3 million
- Non constituted groups
- Organisations that are requesting support for activities taking place in the London boroughs of Bexley and Bromley, or any other areas not falling under the jurisdiction of Kent County Council or Medway Council.
- CICs or Companies Limited by guarantee that have PSCs with unequal powers
- Schools – however applications for school-based extra-curricular/enhancement activity from associated groups such as a “friends of” or a PTFA are permissible
- Statutory organisations unless it can be clearly demonstrated that the state is under no obligation to fund the project
The following applications would be considered a lower priority for funding:
- National/regional organisations
- Organisations with no track record in the district
- Organisations with a strong faith bias, which may inadvertently exclude certain communities
- Organisations with unexplained levels of high reserves – over c.9 months
- One-off festivals/celebrations without strong pre or post event community involvement