Restore neglected wasteland
Recover, restore and maintain neglected wasteland at the front of Margate Station

Wildernesstowonderland received a grant of £2,500 through our Micro Grants Programme to recover, restore and maintain the neglected wasteland at the front of Margate Station, transforming it from dark dangerous wasteland into a community garden.
The Wildernesstowonderland is a group of volunteers working to tidy up, plant up and maintain neglected public spaces in Margate. The community gardens encourage passers-by to stop, enjoy conversations with volunteers, and each other, and walk away feeling included, listened to and inspired.
The grant was spent on tools, insurance, refreshments for volunteers, soil nutrients, bulbs, perennials, shrubs, bedding plants to stock and maintain the station approaches community gardens for four seasons.
Volunteers worked together improving their mental and physical health, supporting each other, building self-esteem from their achievement and the positive feedback from passers-by and local media. After each session volunteers were invited to 'have a cup of tea' together to build relationships, enjoy conversations and feel valued.
“The grant was the shooting star of finance that enabled us to plan the project, execute the project and ultimately attract even more funding. It was important to be able to make a big spend in spring to establish the garden for the growing season. There after we had momentum, purpose, energy and community support.” Rory Waitt, Chairman
The difference it has made
- The project brought diverse members of the business and domestic community to work together to build caring inclusive communities.
- Regular members of wildernesstowonderland feel empowered, valued and proud
- Millions of people walk through the newly established gardens, each respecting the inspiring diverse environment which has been created land leave feeling more positive
- The project also promotes and nurtures an energy of good will and positive mental health
- Lonely residents stop by for a conversation with the volunteers
- Residents from nearby Arlington Towers Flats report feeling safer walking home since the gardens were restored
Wildernesstowonderland are now managing seven community garden projects with more than one group of volunteers and have received further funding through Kent Community Foundation.