Olympia Boxing CIC
Accessing therapeutic sport
Accessible and therapeutic exercise sessions for young people with disabilities experiencing barriers to sport

About Olympia Boxing CIC
The project KCF funded provided therapeutic exercise support sessions to young people with learning and / or sensory disabilities and experiencing barriers to participation due to their disability. The sessions incorporated fitness, strength and co-ordination exercises while working therapeutically on social communication, language and sensory processing with speech and language therapists.
Results from the funding
The grant enabled the participants to become engaged in sport and gave them access to therapy that had not previously been accessible. The project has not only benefited the lives of the participants, but it has helped with family and school life. There have been less anger issues, more focus during school, improved eating and sleeping patterns and improved health by becoming active and improving weight management
Beneficiary story
One student had not participated in any sport or therapy at all before this programme. He not only continued in the Community Thera-Box programme, but has joined a local boxing club. The school and parents have reported that the programme has changed his life and he has a focus on training and learning. He is less aggressive and disruptive at school and has fewer meltdowns at home. He is able to communicate his feelings and is a much better person.