Surviving Winter: supporting vulnerable and isolated older people in Kent and Medway.
Each year we run our Surviving Winter Campaign to raise awareness of the number of avoidable winter deaths amongst the elderly and to ask those who receive a Winter Fuel Payment and do not need it to consider donating it to help those who do.
This year, with the cost of living crisis on top of rising energy costs, we are even more worried that thousands of older people across the county may not turn on their heating this winter and could be extremely vulnerable.
Over the winter in 2021 to 2022, thanks to generous local donors, we raised over £15,000 through our winter appeal to tackle social isolation and make winter less lonely for older people as well as helping them stay well, healthy and independent.
We would be delighted if you wished to donate your Winter Fuel Payment if able to do so this year.
Money donated to our campaign will contribute to projects such as specialist telephone befriending services for people who require support and may be socially isolated, home deliveries of hot meals and essential items to those who cannot leave their homes and weekly friendship groups and luncheon clubs.
If you would like to donate, please see the link below to do so online or send a cheque addressed as follows: FAO Lisa Vant, Surviving Winter Campaign, Kent Community Foundation, Evegate Park Barn, Evegate Business Park, ASHFORD, Kent TN25 6SX.
Please also see information further below on how to Gift Aid your donation.
How you can donate:
Gift Aid your donation
Gift Aid is a tax relief allowing UK charities to reclaim an extra 25% in tax on every eligible donation made by a UK taxpayer. So for every £1 donation Kent Community Foundation can claim back 25p.
What do you have to do?
Confirm whether or not you are a UK taxpayer. Please note that Gift Aid can only be reclaimed on donations made by individuals who pay UK income or capital gains tax at a rate at least equal to the amount reclaimed on their donations in the current tax year.
Download, fill in and send us the Gift Aid Form that gives us permission to claim it.